Hi Robert, Am 23.08.2018 um 22:22 schrieb Robert Goldman:
My Jenkins job is failing to test ECL successfully. What's interesting is that it looks like the tests are successful, but the checker is failing. Here's what I see in the transcript:
These two expressions fail comparison with EQUAL: (UIOP/UTILITY:NEST (LISP-INVOCATION/LISP-INVOCATION:INVOKE-LISP :IMPLEMENTATION-TYPE (LISP-INVOCATION/ALLEGRO-VARIANTS:CURRENT-LISP-VARIANT) :CROSS-COMPILE NIL :IMAGE-PATH (UIOP/FILESYSTEM:NATIVE-NAMESTRING ASDF-TEST::IMG) :CONSOLE T :EVAL "(uiop:restore-image :entry-point 'hello:entry-point :lisp-interaction nil)" :RUN-PROGRAM-ARGS '(:OUTPUT :LINES :ERROR-OUTPUT T))) evaluates to ("No restarts available." "" "Top level in: #<process TOP-LEVEL>." "> ") '("hello, world") evaluates to ("hello, world")
Do you have any more information on your Jenkins job (what it does differently than a plain run of `make test l=ecl` and how to reproduce the failure)?
Oddly, when I try to run this at the command line, ECL throws to the interactive debugger on various signals and I have to restart it, before
make test l=ecl
will terminate successfully.
I can't reproduce this, for me the tests run fine without being thrown in the debugger. I only get two harmlessly looking test failures (test-program.script and test-require.script).
I think I have seen this before, and it may be that ECL implicitly assumes that there will be some kind of C compilation tool chain present that I don't have, but I'm not sure about that.
Well if you don't have a C compiler installed, ECL can not compile anything unless you run `(ext:install-bytecodes-compiler)`. However, asdf already contains a test target for the bytecodes compiler with `make test l=ecl_bytecodes` (which will unfortunately fail at the moment unless you apply the fix at https://gitlab.com/embeddable-common-lisp/ecl/merge_requests/118).
Suggestions for debugging would be welcome.
Best regards, Marius Gerbershagen