Oh, you mean you had this bug before 3.3 already? That's a useful data point!
yes, i already used to see unnecessary rebuilding of uiop several months ago. getting rid of explicitly depending on uiop resolved this issue for me. i'm not sure whether explicitly depending on asdf also triggered this, but based on your advice that i read in some bug report somewhere, i also got rid of those dependencies. -- • attila lendvai • PGP: 963F 5D5F 45C7 DFCD 0A39 -- “The more retarded humanity is, the more it is in the hands of the politicians, in the hands of the priests, in the hands of all kinds of vested interests. Who is interested in transforming man? They want you to be completely blind and deaf. They want you to be just a robot: efficient, not creating any trouble – no strike, no protest, no revolution, no rebellion – just a robot who is always ready to say "Yes, sir."” — Osho (1931–1990), 'From Darkness to Light' (1985)