On 9/21/15 Sep 21 -6:15 PM, Robert Dodier wrote:
Thanks a lot to everybody for the advice. I think I've made some progress. I've attached a patch showing the initial changes I've made, and with this much I can load a trivial system into Maxima.
I'm working with asdf.lisp 2.26 which is packaged with Quicklisp, since the larger goal is to use Quicklisp to download and install Maxima packages.
Incidentally I'm working with Clisp 2.49.
I've run into some strangeness, maybe someone can explain what's going on.
(1) (asdf:load-system :foo) seems to always cause files to be compiled. That's kind of puzzling.
I don't know if this is why, but I see that there are no dependencies in your system. Was that intentional? Did you expect DEFSYSTEM to default to :SERIAL T. If that causes this problem, though, that would be an ASDF bug.
(2) The first time asdf.lisp is loaded, Quicklisp writes asdf.fas into its own cache. The second time, I get an error about ASDF:OOS. Any ideas? Here's the error:
This isn't enough for me to help, since it looks like "maxima" is some kind of script that does something. I don't know what. Also, I don't know what's in your .clisprc.lisp... At the bare minimum, we'd need to see a backtrace from the debugger. cheers, r
$ maxima ;; Loading file /home/robert/.clisprc.lisp ... ;; Loading file /home/robert/quicklisp/setup.lisp ... HELLO FROM QUICKLISP/ASDF.LISP !!
*** - EVAL: undefined function ASDF:OOS The following restarts are available: USE-VALUE :R1 Input a value to be used instead of (FDEFINITION 'ASDF:OOS). RETRY :R2 Retry STORE-VALUE :R3 Input a new value for (FDEFINITION 'ASDF:OOS). SKIP :R4 skip (LET # #) RETRY :R5 retry (LET # #) STOP :R6 stop loading file /home/robert/quicklisp/setup.lisp SKIP :R7 skip (LET # #) RETRY :R8 retry (LET # #) STOP :R9 stop loading file /home/robert/.clisprc.lisp Break 1 QL-SETUP[4]>
Thanks again,
PS. Here's the example foo.asd I've been working with.
(defsystem foo :name "foo" :version "2015.09.21" :maintainer "Robert Dodier" :author "Robert Dodier" :licence "GPL" :description "Foo, Bar, and Baz" :long-description "Apply Foo's algorithm to Bar, yielding Baz"
:components ((:maxima-source-file "foo1") (:maxima-source-file "foo2")))