On 5/18/11 May 18 -12:26 AM, Chun Tian (binghe) wrote:
I found a workaround for myself:
(in-package :asdf)
(defun user-homedir () #P"Macintosh HD:Users:binghe:")
with above code loaded as a ASDF patch, I can load other packages well.
As I read this, it's simply a bug in MCL --- they just aren't implementing user-homedir-pathname properly. Isn't that right?
在 2011-5-18,13:05, Chun Tian (binghe) 写道:
Hi, ASDF developers
Some time ago I can use ASDF with Macintosh Common Lisp, but recently I can't any more.
I updated to latest ASDF 2 and compile/load it into MCL (my current version is 6.0, but 5.2.1 has the same problem):
? (pushnew #P"Macintosh HD:Users:binghe:Lisp:usocket:branches:0.5.x:" asdf:*central-registry* :test 'equal) (#P"Macintosh HD:Users:binghe:Lisp:usocket:branches:0.5.x:") ? (asdf:load-system :usocket)
Error: Not an absolute pathname: #4P"home:" While executing: ASDF::RESOLVE-ABSOLUTE-LOCATION-COMPONENT Type Command-. to abort. See the Restarts… menu item for further choices. 1 >
I don't know what does ASDF::RESOLVE-ABSOLUTE-LOCATION-COMPONENT try to do, but I see a fact that MCL's standard function USER-HOMEDIR-PATHNAME can only return the MCL installation directory but current Mac user's home directory:
? (user-homedir-pathname) #4P"home:" ? (truename *) #P"Macintosh HD:Users:binghe:Lisp:MCL 6.0:"
I think above function should return #P"Macintosh HD:Users:binghe:" instead. And I see ASDF depend on USER-HOMEDIR-PATHNAME, so that there's no way to store compiled fasls into "~/.cache/common-lisp" ...
Chun Tian (binghe)
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