I tried to use the mechanism promoted by ASDF. It worked in 7 out of 8 Common Lisp implementations that I have checked. Unfortunately, it didn't work in the eighth one at all, no matter what I tried. This has cost me quite some time that was eventually wasted.
I apologize for any such bug. What mechanism are you talking about, which implementation did it fail on, and how may we help you with it? Communication is a two-way street, and we can't fix your problems if you don't communicate about them. I now see that there was an issue about RMCL that didn't get fixed in my attempt in january, and that in the long email discussion that took place I missed one of your complaints. Please keep complaining if there is anything we miss. It sometimes helps to start a new discussion with a specific complaint, rather than respond to a long earlier discussion that started with a different complaint, even when the two complaints are somehow related.
I then invested the time to learn logical pathnames, and came up with a solution that works in 8 out of 8 Common Lisp implementations. So my experience is exactly the opposite of yours.
I'm just the messenger. I don't understand why I get attacked for delivering the message.
Logical pathnames work well as long as all your files follow the naming restrictions. Which is not the case for all CL programs and libraries, even less so when you're integrating with other languages and their naming conventions, or (shudder) files that have version numbers in them... If they work well for you, more power to you. But ASDF cannot possibly depend on them. —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org Life is the worst of all social inequalities. To suppress inequalities, one must either resurrect all the dead people (and give life to all the potential living people), or exterminate all the actually living. Egalitarians, since they cannot further their goal by the former method, inevitably come to further it by the latter method.