> The way I install asdf for trying to use it in production is:
>  1. git pull into my local asdf directory.
>  2. make (to make a single asdf.lisp file in asdf/build/)
>  3. copy this to quicklisp/asdf.lisp
>  4. rm -r quicklisp/cache
>  5. edit quicklisp/setup.lisp to say:
>      (defvar *required-asdf-version* "")
>  6. copy the uiop/ directory from local asdf/ into quicklisp/local-projects/
>  7. restart the Lisp
>  8. load quicklisp/setup.lisp and (ql:register-local-projects)
> Having done all this, the (asdf:system-source-directory :uiop) still returns
> nil, and uiop is not ending up in my monofasls which depend on it.
> Am I doing it wrong?
It looks right, or at least defensible.
Did you copy the contents of version.lisp-expr in uiop/
or a symlink that's now dangling? That could make a difference,
though I would expect a more noisy failure.

So I went ahead and tried 

  (load (compile-file "quicklisp/asdf.lisp"))  

before loading quicklisp/setup.lisp.

And yes, I copied version.lisp.expr into quicklisp/local-projects/uiop/.

To test that it wasn't ignoring the uiop in local-projects because it is the same version as what is already loaded, I even temporarily bumped the version number in that version.lisp-expr to

Still no dice -- I still get 

 (asdf:system-source-directory :uiop)   --> nil

after loading the quicklisp/setup.lisp and (ql:register-local-projects)

Quicklisp works in general after the upgrade. It just can't find the source directory (or any source directory) for :uiop. 

It's not crucial that I release with this latest, but I just bring up this issue in case it is actually a lurking asdf bug which needs to be shaken out before 3.0.3 release...

My Best,

Dave Cooper, Genworks Support
david.cooper@genworks.com, dave.genworks.com(skype)