test-bundle failed for me, on version 1.1.9 of MKCL: Now for the mono-fasl TEST ABORTED: There is no package with the name MKEXT. 0: (#<compiled-closure 0000000004039500> #<compiled-debug-lexical-info 00007fffcfee80d0>) 1: (#<compiled-function UIOP/STREAM:CALL-WITH-SAFE-IO-SYNTAX> #<compiled-debug-lexical-info 00007fffcfee82b0>) 2: (#<compiled-function UIOP/IMAGE:PRINT-BACKTRACE> #<compiled-debug-lexical-info 00007fffcfee8490>) 3: (#<compiled-function UIOP/IMAGE:PRINT-CONDITION-BACKTRACE> #<compiled-debug-lexical-info 00007fffcfee8660>) 4: (#<bytecompiled-function ASDF-TEST:ACALL> ((ASDF-TEST::ARGS #<a SIMPLE-ERROR 66680128> :COUNT 69 :STREAM #<output strea\ m "stdout">) (ASDF-TEST::NAME . :PRINT-CONDITION-BACKTRACE) (#:|%the-lock--28954-510| . #<lock (recursive) MT:+LOAD-COMPIL\ E-LOCK+ 00000000010b5280>) (#:|%lock-acquired--28954-511| . T))) 5: (#<bytecompiled-function 00000000035f4f00> (((NIL) (#:G-28954-948 . 0)) (#:G-28954-947) ((NIL) . #:G-28954-946) (ASDF-T\ EST::C . #<a SIMPLE-ERROR 66680128>) (:ASDF-TEST-DONE . :ASDF-TEST-DONE) (ASDF-TEST::THUNK . #<bytecompiled-closure 000000\ 0003d48180>) (#:|%the-lock--28954-932| . #<lock (recursive) MT:+LOAD-COMPILE-LOCK+ 00000000010b5280>) (#:|%lock-acquired--\ 28954-933| . T))) 6: (#<bytecompiled-function 0000000003628f80> ((ASDF-TEST::NAME . "test-bundle.script") (ASDF-TEST::FILE . ASDF-TEST::|tes\ t-bundle.script|) (#:|%the-lock--28954-982| . #<lock (recursive) MT:+LOAD-COMPILE-LOCK+ 00000000010b5280>) (#:|%lock-acqui\ red--28954-983| . T))) 7: (#<compiled-function ASDF/CACHE:CALL-WITH-ASDF-CACHE> #<compiled-debug-lexical-info 00007fffcfeea620>) 8: (#<bytecompiled-function ASDF-TEST::CALL-WITH-TEST> ((:ASDF-TEST-DONE . :ASDF-TEST-DONE) (ASDF-TEST::THUNK . #<bytecomp\ iled-closure 0000000003d48180>) (#:|%the-lock--28954-932| . #<lock (recursive) MT:+LOAD-COMPILE-LOCK+ 00000000010b5280>) (\ #:|%lock-acquired--28954-933| . T))) 9: (#<bytecompiled-function ASDF-TEST:RUN-TEST-SCRIPT> ((ASDF-TEST::FILE . ASDF-TEST::|test-bundle.script|) (#:|%the-lock-\ -28954-982| . #<lock (recursive) MT:+LOAD-COMPILE-LOCK+ 00000000010b5280>) (#:|%lock-acquired--28954-983| . T))) 10: (#<bytecompiled-function SI:BYTECODE> NIL) 11: (#<bytecompiled-function SI:BYTECODE> ((SI::OUTPUT-FILE . T) (SI::C-FILE) (SI::H-FILE) (SI::DATA-FILE) (SI::EXTERNAL-F\ ORMAT . :DEFAULT) (SI::VERBOSE . T) (SI::FASL-P . T) (MKCL:QUIT))) 12: (#<bytecompiled-function SI:BYTECODE> NIL) 13: (NIL NIL) Above backtrace due to this condition: There is no package with the name MKEXT. Script failed Using mkcl, test-bundle.script failed Updated mkcl to head from git as of this afternoon, and same error, and this time test-retry-loading-component-1 *also* failed: TEST ABORTED: Error while trying to load definition for system hello-world-example from pathname /home/rpg/common-lisp/asd\ f/test/hello-world-example.asd: Unknown initialization option :EPILOGUE-CODE for class #<The STANDARD-CLASS SYSTEM 7752937\ 6> Cheers, r Tried updating my mkcl from git and that failed to build on linux: sed '/-CUT-/,$d' ./mkcl/config.h > ./mkcl/config-install.h /bin/bash: ./mkcl/config-install.h: Permission denied make[1]: *** [mkcl/config-install.h] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/rpg/src/mkcl/src' make: *** [all] Error 2