In this case, we're specifically relying on the console interface to run tests against various implementations and report results on the console. Certainly, we could provide a wrapper for Allegro only, but that would be a stretch. So far as I can tell, Allegro is the only implementation solving this issue that way in Windows.
I'm curious, how do other Windows implementations solve this? Do they have a Windows exe and an console exe?
LispWorks has only a windows exe, but lets you dump a console exe. abcl, ccl, clisp, ecl, mkcl, sbcl seem to have console exe's only. I don't know the status of the recently resurrected cormanlisp; I believe it has a windows-only exe. —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org Die Mathematiker sind eine Art Franzosen: redet man zu ihnen, so übersetzen sie es in ihre Sprache, und dann ist es alsobald ganz etwas anderes. [Les mathématiciens sont comme les Français: quoiqu'on leur dise, ils le traduisent dans leur propre langue, et cela devient alors quelque chose de complètement différent.] — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe