On 7/10/15 Jul 10 -5:46 AM, 73budden . wrote:
I see you mean situation where we have systems
(defsystem "Bad2") (defsystem "bAd2") (defsystem :|baD2|)
In this case we can navigate to :|baD2| by name :bad2, and unable to navigate to first two systems. Where should I err? According to coerce-name rules, :|baD2|, :bad2 and "bad2" are identical system name designators, so my code works correctly. I can also find "bad2" by :bad2
What goes to "Bad2" and "bAd2", slime-edit-definition IMO accepts symbol names, not strings. So user will never be able to navigate to them via M-. . The only reasonable thing to do IMO is to avoid recording definition for systems named by strings. Right?
I believe slime-asdf already provides commands for editing systems. Try having a look at that: maybe it already does what you want. best, r