I want to do "make clean" on ASDF. I tried to use clean-op of ARNESI. I got a following message, WARNING: No dependency propagating scheme specified for operation class IT.BESE.ARNESI:CLEAN-OP. The class needs to be updated for ASDF 3.1 and specify appropriate propagation mixins. #<IT.BESE.ARNESI:CLEAN-OP > #<ASDF/PLAN:SEQUENTIAL-PLAN {1003A65533}> Definition of arnesi:clean-op is (defclass clean-op (asdf:operation) ((for-op :accessor for-op :initarg :for-op :initform 'asdf:compile-op)) (:documentation "Removes any files generated by an asdf component.")) (defmethod asdf:perform ((op clean-op) (c asdf:component)) "Delete all the output files generated by the component C." (dolist (f (asdf:output-files (make-instance (for-op op)) c)) (when (probe-file f) (delete-file f)))) (defmethod asdf:operation-done-p ((op clean-op) (c asdf:component)) "Returns T when the output-files of (for-op OP) C don't exist." (dolist (f (asdf:output-files (make-instance (for-op op)) c)) (when (probe-file f) (return-from asdf:operation-done-p nil))) t) How to fix it? Thanks. ta2gch