On 29 January 2011 11:18, Cyrus Harmon <ch-lisp@bobobeach.com> wrote:
And, even worse, how do we asdf:load-op .asd files that contain non-ascii characters? (besides changing the locale, which, while it will work for a single .asd file, doesn't address the issue of how to load multiple ASDF systems from different locales).
Probably one of the below makes sense: 1- we don't do it, and declare it non-portable. 2- we don't do it, and enforce loading in US-ASCII, a la SBCL 3- we say it's whatever trivial byte to character encoding the implementation provides, and use iso-8859-1 on all platforms that have it. 4- we embrace Unicode, and say it's UTF-8 by default wherever supported, falling back to iso-8859-1 or whatever on implementations that don't have it. I'd vote for 4. [ François-René ÐVB Rideau | Reflection&Cybernethics | http://fare.tunes.org ] Insanity is hereditary — you get it from your kids.