On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 12:21 AM, Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll < juanjose.garciaripoll@googlemail.com> wrote:
Narrowing down the problem, TRAVERSE now adds the LIB-OP operation to all components of a system. I added a method
(defmethod perform ((operation lib-op) (c component)) nil)
but this method gets overriden by a more specific one which is provided by asdf.lisp
(defmethod perform ((operation operation) (c source-file)) (sysdef-error "~@<required method PERFORM not implemented ~ for operation ~A, component ~A~@:>" (class-of operation) (class-of c)))
This method was the cause of all problems.
There is obviously something awry going on here because now I realize that this is not more specific, but less -- lib-op <= operation Anyway, I will leave this for tomorrow as I am obviously not fit for this anymore. Juanjo -- Instituto de Física Fundamental, CSIC c/ Serrano, 113b, Madrid 28006 (Spain) http://tream.dreamhosters.com