On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 7:06 PM, Robert P. Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.info> wrote:
That said, we could also move the defsystem files to a defsystem/ subdirectory, making the systems siblings, and being happy that way.
So defsystem/ would contain asdf.asd, pointing to files in ../ and uiop.asd pointing to files in ../uiop/ ?
Or would we move the source files, as well?
No pointing to files in ../ — indeed move the defsystem files in defsystem/ with asdf.asd, leave the uiop files in uiop/ with uiop.asd. Follow the asdf principle that you name files based on the system, and you locate the system thanks to the .asd file.
I think we can dodge this problem for a start, though. If one is doing the build process, and using the makefile, presumably one is sophisticated enough *not* to put the ASDF source tree into your default source registry. If you must do that, well, that's what the ASDF_DEVEL_SOURCE_REGISTRY is for: you must use it to specify for yourself a well-behaved source registry for development of ASDF.
I suppose the Makefile, even in the minimakefile branch, would have a target that does the git submodule update. For the record, I have always had asdf in my source registry; at times when testing cases where it shouldn't be, I renamed the asdf.asd away to asdf.asd.bak, or deleted it to get it back with git checkout asdf.asd
[I think part of the reason this doesn't bother me (and part of the reason I haven't liked the conf.d approach to setting things up) is that I have *many* different source registry configurations, for different projects that use different libraries and even different versions of the same library. I have never had a single, universal Lisp development environment, and don't expect that I ever will.]
I admit I usually have one "main" configuration for open source development, and when I was at work, the respective projects had their own streamlined build scripts that properly initialized the source registry, and from SLIME, I only compiled files at a time. —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org To send men to the firing squad, judicial proof is unnecessary... These procedures are an archaic bourgeois detail. This is a revolution! And a revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate. — Che Guevara
If we can dodge this for now, we can postpone dealing with it until we have closed out the current topic branches.
Cheers, r