OK, I pulled the update to the test and reran the tests (Mac OS X 10.6) on clisp sbcl ecl abcl allegro allegromodern all succeed. CCL 1.8 fails badly: 10 tests fail. Any chance that plugging in the logical pathnames fixes busted loading on CCL? Even test1.script fails: Testing: test1.script + /Users/rpg/ccl/dx86cl64 --no-init --quiet --batch --eval '(load "test1.script")' .... (1218E80) : 6 (PHYSICAL-PATHNAME-P "ASDF:test;file1.lisp.newest") 45 (CCL::PATH) CCL::PATH: "ASDF:test;file1.lisp.newest" ... No idea why it thinks that *default-pathname-defaults* should have ASDF: in it here. Interestingly, when I do ./run-tests.sh ccl test1.script all is well. It seems like running the test inside make is breaking things. make test-noupgrade lisp=ccl also fails. I can't see how context could bleed across lisp processes, can you? R