In attempting to upgrade ASDF, I have broken its operation. This work-around has not been helpful. https://stackoverflow.com/q/45043190/8770050 Here is the problem, (and Quicklisp seems to be working OK) CL-USER> (ql:quickload :quickproject) ; Evaluation aborted on #<ASDF-2.26:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR #x213E199E>. CL-USER> (asdf:asdf-version) "3.3.2" CL-USER> *features* (:SWANK :ASDF3.3 :ASDF3.2 :ASDF3.1 :ASDF3 :OS-UNIX :QUICKLISP :ASDF2 :ASDF-UNICODE :CM :SAL :METACLASSES :ASDF :READLINE :REGEXP :SYSCALLS :I18N :LOOP :COMPILER :CLOS :MOP :CLISP :ANSI-CL :COMMON-LISP :LISP=CL :INTERPRETER :SOCKETS :GENERIC-STREAMS :LOGICAL-PATHNAMES :SCREEN :FFI :GETTEXT :UNICODE :BASE-CHAR=CHARACTER :PC386 :UNIX) My Lisp and Emacs versions, on Ubuntu 16.04, are $ clisp --version GNU CLISP 2.49 (2010-07-07) (built on allspice.buildd []) Emacs version GNU Emacs 24.5.1 (i686-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.18.9) of 2017-09-21 on lgw01-amd64- 050, modified by Debian Any suggestions on repairing or upgrading my ASDF, gratefully received.