07.07.2012, 19:11, "Faré" <fahree@gmail.com>:
IIUC, this is the well-known, long-standing bug 479522. https://bugs.launchpad.net/asdf/+bug/479522
I think it's time to fix the bug. There once was a rationale for keeping it around (i.e. some people might rely on the current behavior; also, compilation was much slower then and avoiding it was a big win); but it makes less sense now that :force and :force-not work and should allow whoever doesn't like the default behavior to override it.
Ok, thanks.
PS: do you use Lisp at Yandex?
I don't work for that company. They just provide public email services (like gmail or yahoo). In the companies I worked so far we haven't used Lisp, only C++, Java, etc. So I am a hobbyist lisper - just learning programming and do some personal projects.