13.03.2013, 04:55, "Raymond Toy" <toy.raymond@gmail.com>:
"Anton" == Anton Vodonosov <avodonosov@yandex.ru> writes:
Anton> 2. test CMUCL 2013-03 snapshot where the bug is fixed. Anton> http://common-lisp.net/project/cl-test-grid/asdf/asdf-diff-22-cmucl.html Anton> Anton> Here we have 3 regressions, all caused by utf8. Either this is another Anton> utf8 bug in CMUCL or the source files really contain broken encoding.
Unfortunately, another serious error got in to 2013-03. Please try 2013-03-a instead.
According to Faré these libraries indeed have latin1 characters.
or let me know what the 3 regressions are and I can try them myself.
See the link. In the table, column "quicklisp 2013-02-17 + asdf.2.32" contains test results of this qucklisp patched to use ASDF 2.32. (LOAD bibtex FAIL) means that (ql:quickload :bibtex :verbose t) fails. Other two are (LOAD lispbuilder-lexer FAIL) and (LOAD lispbuilder-regex FAIL). - Anton