Dear ta2gch,
On Sun, May 8, 2016 at 10:50 AM, TANIGUCHI Masaya wrote:
I want to do "make clean" on ASDF. I tried to use clean-op of ARNESI.
I got a following message, [...]
How to fix it?
This is a simple question that unhappily has no answer. My apologies if my following non-answer is so long and delves into philosophy.
In practice, I'd say that a combination of git clean -xfd and/or rm -rf ~/.cache/common-lisp/ is what most people need, though neither should be done without an understanding of the consequences.
clean-op is an impossible operation to fix, because its meaning isn't defined in general, and CANNOT be defined in general. And while some specific subsets and variants of it CAN be defined, they remain so specific as to not be of general purpose and/or there are enough subtly different variants of it to require a breakdown of the vague idea into clearly separated concepts.
For instance, in the context of using git, you might "just" do a:
git clean -xfd
and call it quits. Yet, unless you specifically configured your output-translations to point to under the current git repository, it won't clean your fasl-translated cache, which would be in e.g.
Then comes the question: should clean-op clean only for the current implementation, or should it also remove objects for sbcl, ecl, allegro, etc.? A git clean might erase files that you'd like to preserve, that you failed to git add. A
rm -rf ~/.cache/common-lisp/ccl-1.12-f102-linux-x86/home/fare/common-lisp/arnesi/
would fail to remove fasls from dependencies or on other implementations. You could try
rm -rf ~/.cache/common-lisp/ccl-1.12-f102-linux-x86/
or even
rm -rf ~/.cache/common-lisp/
but then that might remove too many things, including things you might like to keep at that time. And if you have a non-standard configuration for output-translations, this might still miss some files you might want to remove. Actually, build-op and/or bundle-op variants will typically put the final executable output in the current directory rather than the output translations cache!
Or you could try to build a plan for load-op with either :force t or :force :all and remove all the output-files in the plan. But then there are many problems: first, do you want to just clean outputs for the current system with :force t, or for all its dependencies with :force :all ? How do you deal with defsystem-depends-on and other dependencies not explicitly included in the plan? Are you sure there aren't bugs and omissions in asdf or any extension whereby some side output file is omitted from the list? What about randomly-named temporary files created during an operation that has been interrupted?` Their names definitely are not in the list deduced from the plan. And what if load-op is not the only operation that matters, but e.g. doc-op generates LaTeX and PDF outputs but fails to be tracked by clean-op? Are you going to use the CLOS MOP to generate a list of all possible operations? What if that other operation isn't loaded in the current image? What if operation options cause different files to be generated? Or features? What about all secondary systems? Are you going to generate a plan for them, too?
There are just too many variants to what "clean-op" might mean. No possible general recipe can be provided that won't break down in horrible ways for some users. Yet a given developer knows what he means in his context. "Fixing" clean-op for good requires not just a complete rewrite of ASDF but a re-thinking of your Lisp development ecosystem.
—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• Many people believe "in the name of the (nation, poor, god, nature...)" like "simon says" justifies or damns political opinions when said or omitted.