I must admit that after four hours fighting with this I am right now a bit pissed off, so please forgive the tone of the message. ASDF has introduced a new caching system which alters the names of all output files. This is making me mad because I am trying to implement pre-built ASDF components for ECL and ASDF insists on changing the value of output-files and input-files, looking for those prebuilt files at the location of the cache. What I have added so far is an extension to the system class, with hardcoded locations for prebuilt files (see below), so that I can store a single file $ cat ~/lib/ecl-10.3.1/serve-event.asd (DEFSYSTEM "serve-event" :CLASS ASDF::PREBUILT-SYSTEM :LIB "SYS:serve-event" :COMPONENTS ((:COMPILED-FILE "serve-event"))) Now the problem is that when I try to use these systems ASDF insists on translating the library file pathname "SYS:serve-event" to a cached name which does not exist. I have tried adding a TRUENAME around the output of OUTPUT-FILES, so that the return value reflects the full path, but ASDF insists in changing the name. I have tried hardcoding a system location, like SBCL does, but ASDF insists on appending its own translation
((#P"/Users/jjgarcia/lib/ecl-10.3.1/" #P"/Users/jjgarcia/lib/ecl-10.3.1/") (#P"/**/*.*" #P"/Users/jjgarcia/.cache/common-lisp/ecl-10.3.1-darwin-x86/**/*.*")) Is there no rational way to prevent the translation of system directories without breaking the cache system? (defclass prebuilt-system (system) ((static-library :accessor prebuilt-system-static-library :initarg :lib))) (defmethod output-files ((o lib-op) (c prebuilt-system)) (list (compile-file-pathname (prebuilt-system-static-library c) :type :lib))) (defmethod perform ((o lib-op) (c prebuilt-system)) (car (output-files o c))) (defmethod component-depends-on ((o lib-op) (c prebuilt-system)) nil) (defmethod bundle-sub-operations ((o lib-op) (c prebuilt-system)) nil) (defmethod bundle-sub-operations ((o monolithic-lib-op) (c prebuilt-system)) (error "Prebuilt system ~S shipped with ECL can not be used in a monolithic library operation." c)) (defmethod bundle-sub-operations ((o monolithic-bundle-op) (c prebuilt-system)) nil) -- Instituto de Física Fundamental, CSIC c/ Serrano, 113b, Madrid 28006 (Spain) http://juanjose.garciaripoll.googlepages.com