Faré wrote:
On Sun, Aug 24, 2014 at 7:45 PM, Robert P. Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.info> wrote:
I have tried to pull all the dependencies for ASDF building into the repo. I have done this primarily using git submodules, but also had to pull in cl-ppcre as source, since it doesn't seem to be available as a git repo.
All ediware has been migrated to github by hhuebner, and cl-ppcre is here: https://github.com/edicl/cl-ppcre Please don't push the cl-ppcre source onto the master branch of asdf.
Thanks. Please pull an update, and have a look. I replaced the local copy with a git submodule.
If you can, please pull an update, checkout the experimental-submodules branch, and see if it configures properly. All the dependencies should pop up in the ext/ subdirectory (this may not be the best place; I'm open to suggestions for improvement).
For the record, in xcvb, I called that directory dependencies/
It's ext/ everywhere at SIFT. I'm inclined to keep the shorter name, unless there's some generally accepted practice to replace it with. I changed by ASDF_DEVEL_SOURCE_REGISTRY to point to the local submodules, and this seems to work adequately, but I don't have great tests. I'll see if this gets me through a next bug fix, which will test my use of the build scriptage. If so, I will merge the branch, and use it as a basis for merging minimakefile. Cheers, r