LOAD-OP :FORCE T propagates to depended-on systems -- meaning they will be recompiled as well. This is nasty when depending on an SBCL contributed module or anything else likely to be installed in directory with no write-permissions for the user. The easiest way to deal with this would be to add ;; Prevent :FORCE T from trying to recompile contribs. (defclass sb-contrib-system (system) ()) (defmethod traverse :before ((o compile-op) (c sb-contrib-system)) (when (operation-forced o) (warn "Ignoring :FORCE T for COMPILE-OP of SBCL contributed module ~:@(~A~)." (component-name c)) (setf (operation-forced o) nil))) under #+sbcl in asdf.lisp, and make SBCL defsystems use :class asdf::sb-contrib-system. However, presumably there are other cases where systems may be installed without write-permissions, so recompilation is not going to work. Perhaps a better solution would be to export OPERATION-FORCED and TRAVERSE, so that this could be deal with where-ever is needed -- especially in local initialization files for systems installed in read-only locations. The SBCL solution would look about the same -- it just would not reside inside asdf.lisp. Am I on the wrong track? Cheers, -- Nikodemus