I got an upgrade failure running the tests on ABCL:
Testing upgrade from ASDF 1.369 + abcl -noinit --noinform --load test/script-support --eval '(handler-bind ((warning #'\''muffle-warning)) (load "tmp/asdf-1.369.lisp"))' --eval '(handler-bind (#+sbcl (sb-kernel:redefinition-warning #'\''muffle-warning)) (format t "ll~%") (load "asdf.lisp"))' --eval '(quit-on-error (push #p"/Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/test/" asdf:*central-registry*) (princ "te") (asdf:oos '\''asdf:load-op :test-module-depend :verbose t))'
Caught PACKAGE-ERROR while processing --eval option "(handler-bind ((warning #'muffle-warning)) (load "tmp/asdf-1.369.lisp"))": The symbol PATHNAME-SANS-NAME+TYPE is not present in package ASDF. upgrade FAILED
I can't reproduce this failure using ABCL 1.0.0.
Hm. It's robust for me. I did it using
setenv lisp abcl # I'm old school make test-upgrade
and got the same error
This doesn't look like the kind of bug that should be platform-specific. Do you have any kind of startup file, that would cause some asdf-related code to be loaded before the test starts? What if you invoke abcl with --noinit --nosystem? Try to pull, the new Makefile does that...
This is ABCL 1.0.0 from Mac Ports on Mac OS X 10.6.8.
I tried it interactively, too, and when I do I get the same error:
CL-USER(4): (handler-bind ((warning #'(lambda (w) (muffle-warning w)))) (load "tmp/asdf-1.369.lisp"))
Is asdf somehow already loaded before then? What if you (find-package "ASDF") ? Indeed, if I explicitly (require "asdf") before I (load "tmp/asdf-1.369"), I can reproduce the issue. —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org Betting markets, and speculative markets more generally, seem to do very well at aggregating information. To have a say in a speculative market, you have to "put your money where your mouth is." Those who know they are not relevant experts shut up, and those who do not know this eventually lose their money, and then shut up. Speculative markets in essence offer to pay anyone who sees a bias in current market prices to come and correct that bias. — R. Hanson