OK, so I notified the following, but more remain. Notified: :individual-authors (("James Anderson <james.anderson@setf.de>" de.setf.wilbur) ("Gary King <gwking@metabang.com>" trivial-timeout asdf-system-connections lift lift-test cl-containers) ("Paul Rodriguez <pmr@ruricolist.com>" spinneret) ("Alejandro Sedeno <asedeno@gmail.com>" cl-protobufs cl-protobufs-tests) ("Orivej Desh <orivej@gmx.fr>" postoffice) ("Vincent Toups <vincent.toups@gmail.com>" parseltongue) ("Leslie Polzer <leslie.polzer@gmx.net>" montezuma) ("Alan Oursland <alan.oursland@gmail.com>" km) ("Ryan Davis <ryan@acceleration.net>" cl-csv cl-mediawiki) ("Drew Crampsie <drew.crampsie@gmail.com>" lisp-on-lines) ("Robert Marlow <bobstopper@bobturf.org>" xmls-tools) ) :mailing-lists (("mcclim-devel@common-lisp.net" mcclim) ("zlib-devel@common-lisp.net" zlib) ("clsql@b9.com" clsql) ("cleric-devel@common-lisp.net" cleric) ("cl-neo4j-devel" cl-neo4j) ) :no-valid-email (("Michael Parker <mparker762@hotmail.com>" regex) ;; both deferred-warnings failure and UTF8 issue, but author email not valid anymore. )) Remain: coleslaw com.informatimago.common-lisp.parser diff gdl-ta2 lispbuilder-regex marching-cubes mgl odd-streams open-vrp-lib pg prepl webactions adw-charting-vecto cl-azure cl-containers-test cl-fluiddb-test cl-fsnotify cl-gdata cl-graph-test cl-markdown-test cl-memcached cl-pdf-doc cl-quakeinfo cl-randist cl-redis clack-handler-hunchentoot clunit com.informatimago.linc com.informatimago.xcode computable-reals dcm elephant-tests hh-web json-template kanren-trs-test For the record, failure logs are here: http://common-lisp.net/project/cl-test-grid/asdf/sbcl-warning-failures.html http://common-lisp.net/project/cl-test-grid/asdf/asdf-diff-13.html —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org May you live all the days of your life. — Jonathan Swift On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 9:54 PM, Faré <fahree@gmail.com> wrote:
When we enable the checking of deferred warnings, the following 57 systems have issues. Now to contact the authors. Then of course, there are all the style-warnings that we are ignoring, but oh well.
s-xml mcclim cl-csv clsql-helper lisp-on-lines regex zlib cl-mediawiki cl-neo4j cleric coleslaw com.informatimago.common-lisp.parser diff gdl-ta2 lispbuilder-regex marching-cubes mgl odd-streams open-vrp-lib pg prepl webactions xmls-tools adw-charting-vecto cl-azure cl-containers-test cl-fluiddb-test cl-fsnotify cl-gdata cl-graph-test cl-markdown-test cl-memcached cl-pdf-doc cl-protobufs-tests cl-quakeinfo cl-randist cl-redis clack-handler-hunchentoot clunit com.informatimago.linc com.informatimago.xcode computable-reals dcm elephant-tests hh-web json-template kanren-trs-test km lift-test lucene-in-action-tests parseltongue postoffice spinneret trivial-timeout-test weblocks-demo weblocks-demo-popover wilbur
—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org Justice is not concerned with the results of the various transactions but only with whether the transactions themselves are fair. — F.A. Hayek, "Law, Legislation and Liberty", I.6.j