On 1 Aug 2017, at 17:21, Pascal Bourguignon <pjb@informatimago.com> wrote:
It works perfectly, but on clisp, since DYNAMICALLY-MODIFIABLE doesn’t come from EXT. Where does it come from???
Oh, and but on abcl, which also has a EXT package. I would advise remaining those short-named packages, unless they implement a CDR-specified API. “ORG.CLISP.EXT” sounds a good unique name, or at least “CLISP-EXT”…
[pjb@despina :0.0 ~]$ clall '(compile-file "/tmp/d.lisp")'
Armed Bear Common Lisp: ======================================================================== Implementation: Armed Bear Common Lisp 1.4.0 on Mac OS X 10.12.6 on X86_64 NIL (despina.home)
Reading of: "(compile-file \"/tmp/d.lisp\")" signaled no error
Evaluation of: (COMPILE-FILE "/tmp/d.lisp") signaled the following error: #<READER-ERROR {2D87B142}> The symbol "DYNAMICALLY-MODIFIABLE" was not found in package EXT. wrote nothing on *ERROR-OUTPUT* wrote nothing on *TRACE-OUTPUT* wrote the following *STANDARD-OUTPUT* (lines excluded): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Compiling /private/tmp/d.lisp ... ; (DEFPACKAGE "EXT" ...) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ returned no value
-- __Pascal J. Bourguignon__