A number of projects fail to build with the latest ASDF from git. A few of them seem to be related to defining a custom file component class that has a custom file type. For example, see jwacs and portable aserve: http://report.quicklisp.org/jwacs/2012-12-19/failtail.txt http://report.quicklisp.org/portableaserve/2012-12-19/failtail.txt For jwacs, the file component has a type of "js", and for portableaserve, it has a type of "cl", but it seems like ASDF is looking for different file names. FSet also fails with this error: Error while trying to load definition for system fset from pathname /[...elided...]/fset-20121219-svn/fset.asd: Invalid initialization argument: :PARENT in call for class #<STANDARD-CLASS SYSTEM>. Zach