I pulled an update this afternoon, and now on ACL 9.0 on Mac OS X I get a failure on asdf-pathname-test.script I get an error as follows: Above backtrace due to this condition: attempt to take the length of a non-sequence: :UNSPECIFIC I get an enormous backtrace, but this is I think the direct call that gets an error: (LET ((STREAM (OPEN . #16=((ASDF/COMPONENT:COMPONENT-PATHNAME ASDF-PATHNAME-TEST::FILE) :DIRECTION :OUTPUT :IF-EXISTS :RENAME-AND-DELETE :IF-DOES-NOT-EXIST :ERROR))) (#12=#:WITH-OPEN-FILE-ABORT-398 . #61=(T))) (UNWIND-PROTECT (MULTIPLE-VALUE-PROG1 (PROGN . #17=((PRINT ASDF-PATHNAME-TEST::START-TIME STREAM) T)) (SETQ #12# . #58=(NIL))) (WHEN (STREAMP STREAM) (CLOSE STREAM :ABORT #12#)))) More as I find out more. Best, r