I was pretty surprised to read this in the latest draft of operation.lisp: ;; A memoizing way of creating instances of operation. ;; All operations MUST created through this function. (defun make-operation (operation-class &rest initargs) "This function creates and memoizes an instance of OPERATION-CLASS...." This was pretty surprising to me, and is a change to the contract we make with programmers. I have certainly written a lot of code that calls MAKE-INSTANCE on operation classes. Are you requiring this because you want to rely on EQ-testing? Or....? If we want to require the use of MAKE-OPERATION, and rely on the operations being interned, we should do something to make it more apparent, and not have things quietly do something wrong, if this assumption is violated. E.g., we could have MAKE-OPERATION do something detectable before invoking MAKE-INSTANCE on an operation type (e.g., it could pass :make-operation t to MAKE-INSTANCE with the other initargs). Then if MAKE-INSTANCE is called on an operation class *without* the magical marker from MAKE-OPERATION, we catch it (in a :BEFORE method?) and we throw an error, and indicate the need to call MAKE-OPERATION. Reasonable-p?