Faré <fahree@gmail.com> writes:
On 27 April 2011 12:57, <dherring@tentpost.com> wrote:
These are probably good things, but as Zach mentioned, recently ASDF has started dragging users through internal development. Its a gripe I have about Slime and some other key libraries, so you are in good company, but I cannot follow "the bleeding edge" as a matter of habit.
Uh - I've been trying my darned best to make "release" versions stable, e.g. 2.010, 2.011, 2.012, 2.013, 2.014. I may not have been as successful at it as I'd like, but so far as I can tell, all the complaints (which are justified and most welcome) had to do with non-release versions, e.g. 2.014.8, etc.
That's not to say that I couldn't be doing better, but yes, 1) trying trunk will give you regressions like that. 2) if you're a power user like Zach, you unhappily have to test with trunk to weed out the problems, or the bugs will make it into a release. 3) Recent bugs and feature requests have prompted some refactorings, and along the way I've made changes that didn't make everyone happy. 4) So far as I can tell, we're still on a good path to making the next stable release satisfactory to everyone.
That's my impression as well. My primary concern is that, if I don't take the time to try out the minor commits, a change like the verbosity change would just end up in a release. In general, I'd rather see opt-in behavior, which I can ignore until persuaded otherwise, than opt-out. Zach