Robert Brown <> writes:
ASDF is behaving in a way I find mysterious. Maybe I've found a bug, but more likely I just don't understand ASDF dependencies.
To demonstrate the problem, create the three files below.
========== bug.asd ==========
(cl:in-package #:common-lisp-user)
(defpackage #:bug-system (:use #:common-lisp #:asdf))
(in-package #:bug-system)
(defsystem bug :components ((:cl-source-file "bug1") (:cl-source-file "bug2" :in-order-to ((load-op (load-op "bug1")) (compile-op (load-op "bug1"))))))
If I understand correctly what you want to achieve (that "bug1.lisp" is compiled and loaded before "bug2.lisp"), then this is usually done by (defsystem bug :components ((:file "bug1") (:file "bug2" :depends-on ("bug1")))) Or alternatively, (defsystem bug :serial t ; sequential dependency graph along textual order :components ((:file "bug1") (:file "bug2"))) (s/:file/:cl-source-file/g if you want so but that distinction is usually not needed.) -T.