On 9/11/10 Sep 11 -12:41 PM, Faré wrote:
Dear all,
I hope that 2.008 will be my last ASDF release. I may still make emergency bug fixes (if any is needed), or merge patches sent to me, but I don't intend to actively develop ASDF anymore. I feel it has reached the point where I wanted it to be, although it took much more efforts than I feared. Just look at the git log to see how hard it was, and read my and Robert's paper for ILC'2010 to get an idea why we did things that way. http://common-lisp.net/project/asdf/ilc2010draft.pdf
And so, ASDF is looking for a new active maintainer. To volunteer, just start hacking on your own repo, and I'll hand you the keys after I merge your first commit.
I figure to continue my limited role as assistant maintainer, and general voice in favor of limited modification (call me the "bug-compatibility advocate"), but don't have the time available to do more than that. But I do have the change bit, which is probably a good thing, since there were some problems early in the history where owing to personnel changeover it was hard to get people promoted to commit status, etc. best, r