Faré wrote:
On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 4:44 PM, Kevin Layer <layer@franz.com> wrote:
Faré wrote:
On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 3:38 PM, Kevin Layer <layer@franz.com> wrote:
This whole branch of that conversation was about an error I got while compiling 3.1.5 asdf.lisp on Windows. I no longer get that error.
If you don't get this error — wonderful!
Please proceed to the next stage (this assumes the master branch):
make l=allegro test-lisp
Hopefully, all tests pass.
The problem I mentioned before still exists:
@thor[git:master]$ ALLEGRO=/c/acl100/alisp make l=allegro test-lisp ALLEGRO=/c/acl100/alisp I believe this should be ALLEGRO=c:\acl100\alisp ? (with proper shell escaping). If using cygwin, $(cygpath ...) can help.
The test scripts are written in BASH, so that would not be correct for them. ACL uses native Windows pathnames, but BASH doesn't. In any case, I tried it, and it didn't work. I doubled the \'s, too.
CL_SOURCE_REGISTRY=/home/layer/asdf/:/home/layer/asdf/uiop/:/home/layer/asdf/ext//: If using a native Windows Allegro, this should probably similarly be using Windows paths, and once again cygpath can help do the translation automatically.
It's not *my* script that needs fixing. It's the ASDF test scripts.
PWD=/home/layer/asdf/test OLDPWD=/home/layer/asdf /c/acl100/buildi.exe -I /c/acl100/alisp.dxl -q -batch -e "(or\`,#.(load(string\`|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::compile-asdf-script))" Could not find image file /c/acl100/alisp.dxl. To view full results and failures, try the following command: less -p ABORTED build/results/allegro-test.text Makefile:162: recipe for target 'test-lisp' failed make: *** [test-lisp] Error 1
It should be "... -I c:/acl100/alisp.dxl" in the build script.
I believe on Windows, you should be using Windows paths.
/ and \ are interchangable on Windows, at the C library level. The c:/acl100/alisp.dxl works fine.
It is also possible that the master branch is somewhat broken on Windows, because of these path issues, in which case I recommend the minimakefile branch (note that said branch requires CCL to be installed and configured, and/or that you tweak the startup scripts to use Allegro instead of CCL; I just updated README.md and toos/asdf-tools.bat with better documentation; also make test-lisp is called make test-scripts in the minimakefile branch).
@thor[git:master]$ make l=allegro test-lisp ALLEGRO=alisp CL_SOURCE_REGISTRY=/home/layer/asdf/:/home/layer/asdf/uiop/:/home/layer/asdf/ext//: PWD=/home/layer/asdf/test OLDPWD=/home/layer/asdf ./buildi.exe -I alisp.dxl -q -batch -e "(or\`,#.(load(string\`|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::compile-asdf-script))" ./run-tests.sh: line 115: ./buildi.exe: No such file or directory To view full results and failures, try the following command: less -p ABORTED build/results/allegro-test.text Makefile:162: recipe for target 'test-lisp' failed make: *** [test-lisp] Error 1 @thor[git:master]$
I'm going to wait for you guys to get the Windows tests working before I use them. It is just too confusing for a non-ASDF devel like me.
this assumes buildi.exe is in . when you ALLEGRO is passed, but that's clearly not correct.
I see that our test script ./test/run-tests.sh in branch master will be confused on whether paths are Unixy or Windowsy. This may be a good reason to use branch minimakefile, that shall be happy with ALLEGRO being an absolute path in Windows format (though you might have to export ALLEGRODIR, too, to make sure it knows where to find buildi.exe).
My apologies for the test system being so hard to configure on Windows (or Unix, for that matter — but Windows is worse, and less tested).
Patches are of course welcome.
—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org Skill without imagination is craftsmanship. Imagination without skill is contemporary art. — Tom Stoppard