Just pulled from git this afternoon and reran the tests on ccl clisp sbcl ecl abcl allegro allegromodern * ECL 12.12.1 fails tests test-multiple.script test-run-program.script test-multiple: TEST ABORTED: Subprocess run with command "/bin/ln -sf /Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/test/test-multiple.asd /Users/rpg/lisp/asdf/build/test-multiple-too.asd 2>&1" exited with error code 1 No backtrace for this. TEST ABORTED: Subprocess run with command "echo ok 1" exited with error code 1 For test-run-program I see: exec: Too few arguments. TEST ABORTED: Subprocess run with command "echo ok 1" exited with error code 1 * ABCL failed test-encodings: TEST ABORTED: These two expressions fail comparison with EQUAL: (STRING-CHAR-CODES "λ") evaluates to (338 170) (EXPECTED-CHAR-CODES (QUOTE :UTF-8)) evaluates to (955) Above backtrace due to this condition: These two expressions fail comparison with EQUAL: (ASDF-TEST::STRING-CHAR-CODES "λ") evaluates to (338 170) (ASDF-TEST::EXPECTED-CHAR-CODES (QUOTE :UTF-8)) evaluates to (955) Script failed * Allegro Modern 8.2 failed test-utilities with this error: TEST ABORTED: Package "ASDF/ACTION" not found. [file position = 3334] The problem is the defparameter for *ok-symbols*, which gives the symbol names in all caps. I am attaching a patch for this. Best, r