On 6 Nov 2017, at 17:23, Vince wrote:

Hello lispers !

I wanted to install the latest ASDF 3.3.0 but got a bunch of errors. I
extracted the tar into quicklisp's local-projects and loaded the
installation script:

(load #p"~/quicklisp/local-projects/asdf/tools/install-asdf.lisp")

Why did you use this installation script instead of using

(asdf:load-system "asdf")


(ql:quickload "asdf")


That script seems to be for cl-launch, and isn't what you need.

Please try one of the above methods instead, and let us know what happens, with a backtrace again if you get an error.

I'm afraid I'm swamped right now and can't look into your stack exchange question. If you are still stuck, LMK later. I should have some time this weekend.
