Dear Common Lispers,
Zach reminds me that one thing is blocking his upgrading the ASDF in Quicklisp is the fact that currently, every user-defined function in *system-definition-search-functions* currently has to be aware of ASDF 3's primary-system-name feature, or it may fail to properly extend ASDF.
Here is a patch that will hopefully make things better: whenever ASDF is looking for a non-primary system, it first looks for the associated primary system, in case it defines necessary meta-data.
Zach, can you test? If this satisfies you, there's a chance of getting it out of the door as part of the imminent ASDF 3.0.3 release (or else, 3.0.4 next month or so, I hope).
—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• If Government is the solution to any alleged "failure" of free society, what is the solution to blatant failures of Government?