2009/9/30 Robert Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.info>:
I really wish there was a comment here, since I don't know why there are two branches that seem to handle feature, and that handle it differently (why does the former just eq match and the latter do the more careful string-equal testing?).
The answer is that first case handles things like :in-order-to ((compile-op (feature :foo))) and the second -- which is not the atm -- would handle things like :depends-on ((feature :foo)) ...both are best combined with :if-componend-dep-fails :try-next so you can do things like (:module "ports" :if-component-dep-fails :try-next :components ((:file "sbcl" :in-order-to ((compile-op (feature :sbcl)))) (:file "ccl" :in-order-to ((compile-op (feature :ccl)))))) Cheers, -- Nikodemus