On 4/26/17 Apr 26 -6:33 AM, Faré wrote:
What more, it was a hurdle on the road to making a future ASDF a robust system with deterministic builds.
I wanted to ask about this. Right now ASDF systems are (in general) partially ordered. Is it your plan to make sure there are no implementation or state dependencies in how these partial orders are linearized, in order to make it deterministic? Also, I know you are interested in parallel variants of ASDF. It seems like this would conflict with the desire to enforce deterministic orderings, since if you have A must be before B, C, and D, but B, C, and D are unordered in the system definition, determinism would lead you to want to have a deterministic algorithm for ordering B, C, and D, but parallelism would suggest you separately compile B, C, and D in different images (each of which would have A loaded). Best, r