On Mon, 21 Sep 2009, Nikodemus Siivola wrote:
2009/8/19 Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll juanjose.garciaripoll@googlemail.com:
First the question. What is the level of integration of ASDF with different implementations? Does ASDF support all lisp implementations equally? Does SBCL (and perhaps other) ship the latest versions of ASDF?
(Sorry for the late answer.) SBCL ships with a periodically updated upstream ASDF.
That is, it might not be the latest bleeding-edge one for each release, but the intention is that the one SBCL comes with contains no modifications. Historically this has not always been true, I think, but it has been the intention.
IMO, ASDF should be augmented with (stable) hooks into REQUIRE for all capable lisps. It should similarly try to handle all reasonable variations required by implementations.
If cleaning ASDF of the SBCL-contrib-related stuff is done, then possibly this will change -- but even in that case we would prefer to keep the changes minimal.
Nikodemus, does this SBCL-contrib stuff refer to my email on sbcl-help? If so, I was wanting to fix ASDF to always hook into REQUIRE regardless of the SBCL_BUILDING_CONTRIB environment variable. As it stands now, a (load "asdf.lisp") usually won't hook in; only a REQUIRE of the precompiled ASDF works.
Later, Daniel