In article <1275145919.15345.10.camel@seth-laptop>, Seth Burleigh <seth@tewebs.com> wrote:
Alright, so this is definitely a bug in something, it is reproducable 100% of the time on sbcl 1.0.38 on ubuntu 10.04
I compile celtk (from here http://github.com/kennytilton/celtk) and it gives me a compile-op nil error. I then do slime-restart-inferior-lisp and compile again and then it 'succeeds' at getting past the previous error and continuing on to another compile-op nil error. I can continue this until the whole thing is successfully built. If i delete any fasl files, I can do the whole process one again! Ive upgraded to the asdf on git.
Find the keyword slime-restart-inferior-lisp to get to the error part, and there's also one at the very end.
Heres the whole compilation, including the restart:
Grep the output for "WARNING"; on SBCL, a warning will result in an ASDF compilation failure. Just by skimming through it, I saw one type mismatch warning, one of those annoying DEFPACKAGE warnings, and an annoying CFFI DEFCTYPE warning. Your options are to change the source, or toggle the variable that governs ASDF compilation failure behavior. HTH, -T.