FYI It looks like some more command line escaping tweaks are needed for LWW. I'm on an outing today and will be able to run tests tonight with the latest commit. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: *Fabrice Popineau* Date: Sunday, October 20, 2013 Subject: ASDF testing for LWW To: Dave Cooper <david.cooper@genworks.com> The test suite fails by me with LWW : here at ligne 91 of run-tests.sh if DO $bcmd $eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test::with-test()(load(string'|$i|))))" ; then $ ./run1 make[1]: Entering directory `/c/temp/asdf-test/asdf-windows' PWD=/c/temp/asdf-test/asdf-windows/test !C:=C:\Temp\asdf-test ASDF_TEST_LISPS=lispworks OLDPWD=/c/temp/asdf-test/asdf-windows /c/Local/Lispworks/lw-console.exe -siteinit - -init - -eval "(or #.(load(string\ `|test/script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::compile-asdf-script))" LispWorks(R) (for the Windows(R) operating system) Copyright (C) 1987-2012 LispWorks Ltd. All rights reserved. Version 6.1.1 Saved by Fabrice as lw-console, at 20 Oct 2013 11:59 User Fabrice on ALIMANTADO Error: The file "testscript-support.lisp" does not exist. 1 (continue) Try loading testscript-support.lisp again. 2 Give up loading testscript-support.lisp. 3 Try loading another file instead of testscript-support.lisp. 4 (abort) Abort initialization. 5 Continue to top-level loop. I'm not that familiar with path syntax in CL (I'm using it at its minimum and always checking) so why is there this (string`|path|) ? Case-sensitivity ? Or ? Fabrice 2013/10/20 Dave Cooper <david.cooper@genworks.com <javascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 'david.cooper@genworks.com');>>
Have you been waiting for the noise to settle down on asdf-devel? I think it's safe to go ahead and try the tests on LWW now.
I've attached a "run" script which should be pretty much ready to go for LWW, all you have to do is fill in your lwconsole.exe location where it says:
"Fill in for location of your LWW console exe:"
You have to have "make" and "rsync" installed in your MSYS (or cygwin) (rsync is probably not strictly necessary; for running on a single OS you can just replace $asdf with the original "asdf/" directory).
I'll be away from the office tomorrow (Sunday) but if you feel like giving it a go on Sunday and run into any issues, feel free to give me a call on skype or +1 248-330-2979.
On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 5:50 PM, Fabrice Popineau < fabrice.popineau@supelec.fr <javascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 'fabrice.popineau@supelec.fr');>> wrote:
Ok, I'll reply about it on Saturday.
Best regards,
2013/10/17 Dave Cooper <david.cooper@genworks.com <javascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 'david.cooper@genworks.com');>>
Basic instructions to run the tests:
1. Establish a directory to be the root of your testing area. 2. cd to this directory. 3. git clone git://common-lisp.net/projects/asdf/asdf.git 4. put the attached script into this directory
To be clear, by "this directory" I mean the _current_ directory, not the asdf/ subdirectory which was newly created by the git clone. So the "run" script and your pwd should both be in the parent of the asdf/ subdirectory created by the git clone.
5. edit the script to point to your LWW console image 6. ./run 7. observe the output in ./asdf/build/results/lispworks.text 8. If interesting, report the output to asdf-devel@common-lisp.net<javascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 'asdf-devel@common-lisp.net');>
-- My Best,
Dave Cooper, Genworks Support david.cooper@genworks.com <javascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 'david.cooper@genworks.com');>, dave.genworks.com(skype)
-- Fabrice Popineau ----------------------------- SUPELEC Département Informatique 3, rue Joliot Curie 91192 Gif/Yvette Cedex Tel direct : +33 (0) 169851950 Standard : +33 (0) 169851212 ------------------------------ -- My Best, Dave Cooper, Genworks Support david.cooper@genworks.com, dave.genworks.com(skype) USA: 248-327-3253(o), 1-248-330-2979(mobile) UK: 0191 645 1699