On 4/11/12 Apr 11 -8:02 AM, Pascal Costanza wrote:
I'd like to get an idea what the current plans for RMCL are, if any. Since the switch to OS X 10.7, there is no default support for old PowerPC applications on OS X anymore, so RMCL doesn't work anymore, at least not without a major effort. Are there any plans to find a remedy for this situation? Or will RMCL effectively become deprecated?
I'm sorry --- will you please clarify? How would ASDF help the process of finding support for RMCL on OS X Lion? If RMCL is going to die of old age, I would certainly not mind killing support for it, but I don't see how the ASDF maintainers can determine whether RMCL will die out. That seems down to some combination of Apple, RMCL maintainers, if any, and RMCL users. Seems like it's more for you to tell us whether this support can be dropped or not. Thanks for any information. Best, Robert