03.04.2013, 04:33, "Faré" <fahree@gmail.com>:
This is by design. The issue is to avoid double-translation, e.g. when some component creates a Lisp file from some other source, that is then compiled. You want to be able to use compile-op and load-op, except that the source-file will be the output of whichever create-lisp-op you're using, and therefore already translated. In general, being able to compose or not compose operations suggests that you shouldn't double-translate.
I noticed this because test-grid-agent customizes output translations to place fasls to a temporary directory in order to achieve fresh recompilation every time. And the way output translations are customized doesn't obey the expectation of new cff-grovel. In the terms of the example above, any sources generated and saved to ~/test/fasl/ when compiled have their .fasl files in the default location - ~/.cache/common-lisp/.
So I am thinking, should I correct test-grid-agent output translations or report it as a bug to CFFI.
I think you should correct test-grid-agent.
OK. BTW, when uiop:*output-translation-function* will be documented, this requirement deserve to be mentioned. Best regards, - Anton