On 3/17/10 Mar 17 -9:00 AM, Faré wrote:
Juanjo: it is unfortunate that the recent fix to a bug in TRAVERSE led to breakage of the ECL extension. We'll try our best to accommodate your needs. Do you know how to fix the breakage on your side, or do you need us to change something?
Robert: for all purposes, Juanjo counts as one of the "ASDF maintainers", as far as the essential ECL extensions are concerned.
OK. I apologize if I seemed grumpy, but we beat this TRAVERSE issue to death on the mailing list a long time ago, and I'm getting very tired of having to explain the oddity of ASDF's component model. This is not an oddity for which I'm responsible, just one from which I suffer with the rest, and now all of my ASDF time for today has been burned on email, and I will not be able to do any of the ACL testing and debugging that I'd been hoping to get done.
I don't know how to fix things, but we certainly should fix them before we release 2.
It's not clear to me that these things can be fixed inside ASDF. At least some of them involve Juanjo being caught by an unfortunate lack of clarity in the nature of the API that ASDF supports. E.g., it seems that we can fix one of Juanjo's two problems by simply recasting one of his INPUT-FILES (?) primary method as an :AROUND method. As for the problem with TRAVERSE, I don't understand enough what the problem is. Can it be solved simply by adding something like: (defmethod PERFORM ((op lib-op) (c cl-source-file)) (values)) ? I.e., without knowing why it's bad that LIB-OP visits each piece of a system, I can't say how to repair this. best, r