Faré wrote:
I did something much simpler: I enumerated the directories instead of just loading the whole tree. My current settting is:
export CL_SOURCE_REGISTRY = ${sourceDirectory}/:${sourceDirectory}/uiop/:${sourceDirectory}/ext//:
That gets only ASDF, UIOP, and the dependencies.
I saw that. This doesn't help when asdf is in the source-registry, though (which is the recommended way of having an asdf upgrade: "just" having its source in the source-registry, e.g. in ~/common-lisp/asdf/)
Hm. And we have to have the asdf *tree* in the source-registry instead of only having the asdf *directory* in there because of the separation of uiop.asd and asdf.asd. Is there some reason we can't move uiop.asd up to a position next to asdf.asd? That seems like a much more pleasant solution than restructuring the repo to make the test and asdf source directories siblings instead of child/parent. R