Faré wrote:
On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 12:11 PM, Robert Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.net> wrote:
The :REQUIRE directive seems undocumented.
Under what circumstances is it acceptable?
If I remember the intent and interpret the source code correctly, it is always acceptable, but highly non-portable, and is thus better guarded by a (:feature :sbcl (:require :sb-posix)) or (:feature :ecl (:require :sockets)) or some such.
The result being that your component depends on a system that when loaded calls (require name).
I see. We had done something like that, but by having a pseudo-system type called REQUIRE-SYSTEM, and setting it up to use REQUIRE for (PERFORM LOAD-OP SYSTEM).... I have a documentation patch that describes REQUIRE now. Should push it soon. Cheers, r