Tobias C. Rittweiler wrote:
Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll writes:
What I would like to ask CL developers is to begin shipping regression tests with their libraries, and perhaps agree on an standard so that one can programatically check whether a library builds or not. This feature could be even included in ASDF, asdf-install, etc, just like "make check" is now a de-facto standad in Autoconf.
There's (ASDF:OOS 'ASDF:TEST-OP <system>), and on very recent revisions even (ASDF:TEST-SYSTEM <system>) as an abbeviation.
I don't think this has been properly documented in the manual of ASDF yet. I hence CC'd the asdf-devel mailing list so this will hopefully get promoted with the due it deserves.
Part of the problem with test-op is that the desired behavior has not been specified by the ASDF community. Because of the nature of ASDF, it is impossible for (asdf:test-system <system>) to return a value indicating whether or not <system> has passed its tests. Some time ago, I proposed that ASDF provide a stream argument to the test-op, providing a place into which the testing tool could dump its test report for human inspection. I can't say that this suggestion received universal approbation. Or disapprobation. It merely received near-universal lack of interest! ;-) Related to the question of what the test-op should provide to its invoker is the question of how dependencies should be propagated. Cheers, r