On 26 Nov 2020, at 13:18, gwbennett wrote:

Good morning from Greg Bennett who is running sbcl 2.0.10 under linux mint 19.2 64-bit
and using asdf 3.3.6 with mcclim from mcclim-20201016-git via quicklisp.

I am working on a large project and wish to capture the results of a trial compile in a file
so that I can check notes, warnings, errors, etc.. Such a compile essentially loops over
a set of asdf load-systems.

Not unnaturally for me, I make mistakes, and sometimes I get blocked by an unexpected error
which I believe I have managed to isolate.

I am quite unsure about the locus of the unexpected error .. asdf ? sbcl ? mcclim ? their interaction ?
so I am starting with asdf-devel.

I am uncertain how much to include by way of source files, so i have opted to summarise things here first.

New sbcl 2.0.10 in emacs listener

Load a set-up-file to ensure I am using asdf 3.3.6 [I gather this is significant for sbcl]. And some of
my own logging tools. Two files attached.

Do you mean The current pre-released version is (the fourth component is just for internal reference, releases are always x.y.z).

Load mcclim

Running (in-package :cl-user)

 (a-l "mcclim" "doit" (doit) "Z" :base-name "/home/gwbennett/mcclim-code/")

which has the effect of writing the results to a file, in this case


The process exits with:

; wrote /home/gwbennett/.cache/common-lisp/sbcl-2.0.10-linux-x64/home/gwbennett/mcclim-code/check-qmb/one/test-qmb-tmpJU0JWO19.fasl
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.051
; No value

Now suppose I do something which contains an error, such as
CL-USER> (asdf-version)

Since (asdf-version) is not in the cl-user package, this is an error. What I get back is a different error message:

#<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "file /home/gwbennett/LOGS/MCCLIM/MCCLIM2020-lsbcl-to-Z-26-NOV-at-14:5:2.lsp" {1008BEC8A3}> is closed
   [Condition of type SB-INT:CLOSED-STREAM-ERROR]

I'm not sure how you are writing the output to your transcript file (MCCLIM2020-lsbcl-to-Z-26-NOV-at-14:5:2.lsp) but it looks like the stream to that file is being closed, and then you are continuing to try to write to it.

I can't give you more advice without knowing how, specifically, you are handling this file. But it does not seem likely that this is an ASDF problem -- it looks like a problem with file handling. I'd guess that somewhere the file is being closed, either by you, or as some kind of side-effect of other computation (e.g., leaving with-open-file or some other scoping). Or... maybe you are using some image-building operation that causes the lisp session to be compromised?

Which is my unexpected error. Sometimes after ABORT (twice), this error can block me from defining any new function or loading a new
function .. all I receive is a repeat of this message.

Thank you for your patience
Greg Bennett

Robert P. Goldman
Research Fellow
Smart Information Flow Technologies (d/b/a SIFT, LLC)

319 N. First Ave., Suite 400
Minneapolis, MN 55401

Voice: (612) 326-3934
Email: rpgoldman@SIFT.net