Gary King wrote:
Hi Robert,
Suggestion: change to load-system, compile-system, etc. instead of system-FOO. The version with system- first is going to be a nuisance for people who use this a lot from the REPL w/ completion b/c it puts the common stuff first, instead of the distinctive.
That's a good point; OTOH, I like the conceptual grouping of `system-foo`. Doesn't your completion let you type, e.g., #\s #\- #\c [complete] to get the symbol? After all, sense `compile` and `load` are already CL symbols, you'd need to type #\l #\o #\a #\d #\- [complete] or #\l #\- #\s [complete] in any case.
This seems to work really poorly on ELI, at least. :-( [you get completions, but way too many to be useful, and there's no good way aside from the mouse of choosing between them] That's why I use my :als (asdf-load-system), :acs, :ats, on allegro... My preference is for the operation first, anyway, because compile-system seems like compile-file, but system-compile... Not huge for me; I don't expect I'll ever use these myself. I just want to see one source of ASDF-whining go away. Cheers, R