Dear ASDF developers, Rommel and I are currently working on asdf bug #485918, i.e. a plan for user-customizable persistent configuration of ASDF paths through configuration files (duh). https://bugs.launchpad.net/asdf/+bug/485918. What follows is a detailed plan and several questions. General Idea ============ The general idea is that in configuration files such as /etc/common-lisp/source-registry.conf ~/.config/common-lisp/source-registry.conf will be a SEXP in a trival domain-specific language to specify a search path. Backwards Compatibility ======================= Now comes the issue of backwards compatibility with the current asdf:*central-registry* that currently has to be manually configured by users or supplemental layer (e.g. common-lisp-controller). My proposal is that there would be a new (private) variable common-lisp-configuration::*source-registry* that would store a parsed version of the configuration as an undocumented opaque data-structure (except for the private use of ASDF and XCVB), only accessible through API functions and said DSL. One magic directive in that DSL, present by default in the configuration, :default-registry would hook into the implementation defaults, which would include the searching of asdf:*central-registry* until it is eventually removed. Uses of asdf:*central-registry* would be deprecated, but still supported for many years to come for backwards compatibility. The same DSL could be recognized by ASDF, XCVB, and any other future build system for Common Lisp. Alternatives I considered and rejected included: 1- Keep asdf:*central-registry* as the master with its current semantics, and somehow the configuration parser expands the new configuration language into a expanded series of directories of subdirectories to lookup, pre-recursing through specified hierarchies. This is kludgy, and leaves little space of future cleanups and extensions. 2- Keep asdf:*central-registry* remains the master but extend its semantics in completely new ways, so that new kinds of entries may be implemented as a recursive search, etc. This seems somewhat backwards. 3- Completely remove asdf:*central-registry* and break backwards compatibility. Hopefully this will happen in a few years after everyone migrate to a better ASDF and/or to XCVB, but it would be very bad to do it now. 4- Replace asdf:*central-registry* by a symbol-macro with appropriate magic when you dereference it or setf it. Only the new variable with new semantics is handled by the new search procedure. Configuration DSL ================= Here is the grammar of the SEXP DSL I am considering for configuration: ;; A configuration is single SEXP starting with keyword :source-registry ;; followed by a list of directives. CONFIGURATION := (:source-registry DIRECTIVE ...) ;; A directive is one of the following: DIRECTIVE := ;; add a single directory to be scanned (no recursion) (:directory DIRECTORY-PATHNAME-DESIGNATOR) | ;; add a directory hierarchy, recursing but excluding specified patterns (:tree DIRECTORY-PATHNAME-DESIGNATOR &key exclude) | ;; override the default defaults for exclusion patterns (:exclude-subdirectories PATTERN ...) | ;; splice the parsed contents of another config file (:include-configuration REGULAR-FILE-PATHNAME-DESIGNATOR) | ;; Your configuration expression MUST have contain exactly one of these: (:inherit-configuration) | ; splices contents of inherited configuration (:ignore-inherited-configuration) ; drop contents of inherited configuration ;; This directive specifies that some default must be spliced. (:default-registry) PATTERN := a string without wildcards, that will be matched exactly against the name of a subdirectory. Configuration Files =================== Following a suggestion by Stelian, the configuration should be read in this order, each configuration containing an expression that may extend or override the previous configuration: file /etc/common-lisp/source-registry.conf file ~/.config/common-lisp/source-registry.conf environment variable CL_SOURCE_REGISTRY some implementation- or application- specific command-line argument. Equivalently (since the DSL doesn't allow for uncontrolled side-effects), the outermost configuration only would be parsed, and recursing to previous configurations would only happen if and when specified. This also leaves the question of whether environment variable and command-line arguments should take the same SEXP syntax (to be READ), or whether they should have some more shell-friendly textual representation of the same information. Allowing for a different representation is probably more work for marginally more feature, and I don't recommend it. So, in the end, the same SEXP syntax for shell variables and command-line arguments. Configuration API ================= This API is exported from package COMMON-LISP-CONFIGURATION. (initialize-source-registry-configuration) will read the configuration and initialize all internal variables, and return the new configuration. (clear-source-registry-configuration) undoes any initialization. You might want to call that before you dump an image that would be resumed with a different configuration, and return an empty configuration. Also will have a hook that allows clients will use to clear any cache that depends on this configuration. (ensure-source-registry-configuration) checks an initial variable to see whether the state is initialized or cleared. In the former case, return current configuration; in the latter, initialize. ASDF will call this function at the start of (asdf:find-system). (process-source-registry-configuration X &optional inherit) If X is a CONS, parse it as a SEXP in the configuration DSL, and extend or override inheritted configuration. If X is a STRING, first parse it into a SEXP with READ (Alternate proposal: parse some shell-friendly text representation). The inheritted configuration is provided in optional argument inherit, itself a function that returns the previous configuration, with NIL designating the default of #'ensure-source-registry-configuration. Internally, initialize-source-registry-configuration can use this with a series of functions for inheritted configuration. Search Algorithm ================ * When a system is searched for, entries are processed in order. * If a given entry has exactly one match, the search stops successfully. If a given entry contains no match, it is skipped. If a given entry contains multiple matches, an error is thrown. * This later case does not change the semantics of ASDF in the case where no recursion takes place, and ensures no undetected insanity happens in the case where recursion is specified. XCVB has tested this model, with success I believe. * When an entry is first processed, the implementation may cache the contents of the directory (i.e. all files that may match anything.) until the cache is explicitly flushed (see below). Cache flushing ============== * The cache is flushed when function (asdf:clear-system-search-cache) is called. * When the configuration is (re)loaded, the cache is flushed. Questioned Niceties =================== I've been suggested the below features, but have rejected them, for the sake of keeping ASDF no more complex than strictly necessary. * More syntactic sugar: synonyms for the configuration directives, such as (:add-directory X) for (:directory X), or (:add-directory-hierarchy X) or (:add-directory X :recurse t) for (:tree X). * The possibility to register individual files instead of directories. * Integrate Xach Beane's tilde expander into the parser, or something similar that is shell-friendly or shell-compatible. I'd rather keep ASDF minimal. But maybe this precisely keeps it minimal by removing the need for evaluated entries that ASDF has? i.e. uses of USER-HOMEDIR-PATHNAME and $SBCL_HOME Hopefully, these are already superseded by the :default-registry * We may allow a shell-friendly colon-separated text-based syntax for environment variables and command-line arguments. If we only accept directories, not files, then all provided strings should be considered with implicit / at the end before being parsed by parse-namestring or such. An explicit // (as in TEXINPUTS) or /** (as in zsh or some (non-standard) CL pathname extensions, but requiring painful quotes from the shell) could specify recursion. Additional Notes ================ With this specification, we can share configuration between ASDF and XCVB, and maintain reasonable backwards compatibility in ASDF. [ François-René ÐVB Rideau | Reflection&Cybernethics | http://fare.tunes.org ] Just because your semi-free country government is evil doesn't mean "native" governments have a right to exist and enslave "their" people. — Faré