Hi all, I am using cl-project to generate project skeleton for the library including separate asd file for unit tests. The test framework I use is the default for cl-project: prove. Using this framework I would like to set some special variables to control test execution _before_ running the asdf:test-system i.e. (setf prove.color:*enable-colors* nil) (setf prove:*default-reporter* :tap) But the problem is when I set them directly in .asd file, the CL reader complains what the prove.color and prove packages do not exist (which is true, since the prove dependency is not yet loaded). I could set them in every test file, but I would like to set them globally. How could I set them after the dependency to unit test library (prove) is loaded and therefore package exists? This is what I have in .asd file for tests: :defsystem-depends-on (:prove-asdf) :perform (test-op :after (op c) (funcall (intern #.(string :run-test-system) :prove-asdf) c) (asdf:clear-system c))) Br /Alexey