On 2/27/10 Feb 27 -8:16 AM, David McClain wrote:
Hello Robert,
I took a look at your test shell script (run-tests.sh) and made the adjustment for running my saved image named lwm64.
After some tests I found that the Lisp image has its working directory set to the same directory from which you start it, and indeed there is a command line arg -eval to allow the evaluation of an initial form.
However, even after several attempts at quoting the initial command '(load "test/compile-asdf.lisp")', I cannot get it past Bash to send it to the Lisp image. Sorry for being so lame on shell scripting -- it has been many years since I was deep into them.
No need to apologize to me. I'm an unregenerate T shell user, so my understanding of these scripts is pretty much at the Cargo Cult level.
The error I keep getting is:
bash-3.2$ test/run-tests.sh lwm64
test/run-tests.sh: line 57: (load "test/compile-asdf.lisp"): No such file or directory
It looks to me as if the argument we are passing to the LW runtime is being interpreted as a file to load, not an s-expression to be evaluated. Does that sound right to you? E.g., in ACL, we start this up as something like alisp -e '(load "test/compile-asdf.lisp")' and for SBCL sbcl --eval '(load "test/compile-asdf.lisp")' Is there some equivalent to -e/--eval that works for lispworks? Their documentation seems relatively unfriendly to text-mode folks like me; seems very focused on the IDE.
And when I quote it variously, the same message appears with my quoting intact.
So, since you only want to execute that simple command in Lisp, here is the resulting output after I enter it manually:
;; Processing Cross Reference InformationASDF compiled cleanly Error: The variable CODE is unbound. 1 (continue) Try evaluating CODE again. 2 Return the value of :CODE instead. 3 Specify a value to use this time instead of evaluating CODE. 4 Specify a value to set CODE to. 5 Try loading test/compile-asdf.lisp again. 6 Give up loading test/compile-asdf.lisp. 7 Try loading another file instead of test/compile-asdf.lisp. 8 (abort) Return to level 0. 9 Return to top-level loop. 10 Return from multiprocessing.
Type :b for backtrace or :c <option number> to proceed. Type :bug-form "<subject>" for a bug report template or :? for other options.
It looks to me as if compile-asdf is running to completion, through the cond expression in that file (hence the "ASDF compiled cleanly"), and then something is failing. The Processing Cross Reference string there suggests that it might be something the LW IDE is doing, but I can't guess what that would be. Maybe someone else on the list can suggest something.... best, r